Altun Ha Guidebook eBook

Altun Ha Guidebook eBook
A complete history of archaeological research at the Altun Ha Archaeological Reserve. Written by Dr David Pendergast and illustrated by Louise Belanger.
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Based on 40+ years of archaeological research.
A walk through the site with history explained.
Information about artefacts and archaeological work.
Illustrated by a professional Archaeological illustrator.
100% of profits go to supporting our initiatives to safeguard Belizean culture and help local communities!
“In 1964, the Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto, Canada) began extensive investigation of Altun Ha, a project that extended through 1970. The site was unrecorded until a chance discovery of a jade pendant by a villager from Rockstone Pond brought the place to the attention of the country’s first archaeological commissioner, Hamilton Anderson. The name by which the ancient Maya community is known now is not its original one, as is true of almost all sites in the Maya world; it is instead a rough translation of “Rockstone Pond.” The excavations revealed an ancient community that, although it was smaller than sites in other parts of the Maya world, was surprisingly wealthy.”
The Maya archaeological site of Altun Ha is most famous for the iconic Jade Head, which has become the national symbol of Belize. The Jade Head was found during an excavation led by Dr David Pendergast and is the largest known jade carving in the Maya world.
Visitors today can see the heart of the ancient Maya community. This guidebook takes you through 40+ years of archaeological research in an easy-to-read format, explaining the history of the famous attractions on site.