HENB Directors at the 2022 Belize Archaeology Symposium
HENB Directors, April Martinez, Rebecca Friedel Juan (and baby), and Sylvia Batty at the Belize Archaeology Symposium in 2022, June
The HENB team was well-represented at the 2022 Belize Archaeology Symposium (BAS). HENB Director, Sylvia Batty, presented through her affiliation at Galen University. Also, HENB Director, Dr. Rebecca Friedel Juan, co-authored a paper with Dr. Jason Yaeger and colleagues that was presented at the BAS. The HENB team was also there to network and cheer the archaeology community on!
The BAS happens yearly in the Cayo District of Belize, and brings together all archaeologists in Belize. Over 3 days, cutting edge scientific research is presented and the event is open for anyone interested in Archaeology.
Sylvia’s presentation was co-authored with Laura Kosakowsky and was titled, “Curating Cultural Heritage: The Ceramic Collection of Belize”, discussing the conservation, curation, and record-keeping challenges of archaeological ceramics in Belize.
Dr. Rebecca’s co-authored paper was titled, “Two Late Classic Royal Burials from Buenavista del Cayo, Belize.” Her contribution to investigating these fascinating archaeological contexts includes the identification of macro-botanical remains placed within the tombs for the individuals’ journey to the after life. These remains include uniquely preserved maize kernels of a pop variety, which were likely imported from afar.
Sylvia Batty presenting at the Belize Archaeolgy Symposium