Paintings by Rony Jobel
Rony Jobel © Rony Jobel
Paintings by Rony Jobel is a business revolving around art, centring themes on flora and fauna of Belize. Exploring the parallel relationships between colour, texture, and patterns, Rony brings to life his creations that are very different from the art we are used to in Belize. Born in the beautiful town of Orange Walk in Northern Belize, we decided to ask Rony about his methods and views on art.
“My story began at the age of twelve. My mother gave a storybook that was filled with amazing imagery of passages from the Bible. I still remember it just as if it were yesterday. My first painting was titled ‘David and the Lion.”
The strong family support allowed a path for a very young Rony Jobel to venture into. Exploring his artistic talents from a very young age, Rony decided to start with "crayons, makers, and paper." This technique was and still is something that makes him happy to create.
“I felt comfortable using the basics – crayons, markers, and paper. I never felt as if I was ready to start on canvas. But slowly, I transitioned onto it. I have never felt a much greater relief than that.”
“My work explores the relationship between colour, textures, and patterns. I have two sides – two incompatible faces that are constantly contradicting each other. I am expressive, yet complex, yet simple. I let my hand be a guide to what my heart, mind, and soul dictate to me. In my pieces, the viewer is left with a glimpse of what used to be a powerful era, where the famous artist became a beacon of hope for all of us.”
Jobel allows inspiration to flow through his work. Generating a picture within his mind, he visualizes what he wants his viewers' emotions to be. Many artists take inspiration from their surroundings, whether that be an illustration from nature or personal feelings. However, Rony says he has been looking at his surroundings, and he has decided not to follow this often used method to express art. Instead, he has decided to take a more unconventional way of showcasing his work. From canvases to recyclable material, Rony Jobel uses everything at his disposal, not just his surroundings. His artwork is unique in Belize, conveying a more profound message that leads art to a new direction in the country.
Painting on wine bottle by Rony Jobel © Rony Jobel
Combine Art & Biology
“Belize is a melting pot, rich with flora and fauna, culture, and history. As a former Field Biologist, I got to see my country in its full splendour. I was exposed to different locations that the average person wouldn’t get to visit. I strongly believe that art has a unique possibility to capture the winds of change in our society. Simultaneously, it impacts the formation of our Belizean people. Art has the potential to convey messages, ideas, and expressions, whereas words fall short. It connects our bodies, sometimes even more than our minds. What I want for my art is for it to reach as many people as possible. I want people to appreciate my techniques, and understand that being different is not always awful, it is sometimes exceptional and beautiful.”
With such an in-depth knowledge of the land's ecosystem, Jobel puts the most exciting and intriguing pieces of art together. Through his mind, we get to appreciate art in an entirely new way. A way that is exceptional, beautiful and not yet seen in Belize.
“I gather information from what I see around me. Throughout constant adjustment, my art comes to life. I use a wide array of accoutrements, such as recycled materials, canvases, and masonite panels. I want my customers to have something unique, which is why I do not reproduce my work. I don’t believe in panting something just to make a buck, rather I’d let it be free and paint something that I want to portray.”
Jobel brings to life his inspiration. Gathering inspiration from his surroundings, he creates the most unique pieces that connect with him, and in turn, connect with his audience.
“Some customers want birds or flowers, something conventional. But I rather give my own version of a bird or flowers – the way I see it. And, instead of flowing the normal flow of art creation, I believe sincerely in thinking outside of the box and originality.”
Jobel believes in the uniqueness of each of his art pieces, these flow emotion the way he wants it to. Captivating his audience in this array of beauty, he brings to life art in an entirely new way.
Making a difference
“My goal for the future is to be a beacon of hope for my people. Helping kids who are in need financially and provide for their and other families who haven’t had as much fortune as others. I want to raise awareness and help conserve our natural resources, and most importantly educate people on the understanding of our flora and fauna. These are all projects I want to do in the future. I’ve done these on a much smaller scale. I can only continue this endeavour if I have the support of my Belizean people abroad.”
As an artist, able to capture the attention of thousands, assist the less fortunate and raise awareness to natural resource conservation, Jobel really is that 'beacon of hope' for many Belizeans.
Contact Rony Jobel through his Facebook page @Paintings by Rony Jobel or via Instagram @ronyjobel, or via email at
Written by Romani Sanchez